Sukhoi Su-35
Aircraft "Sukhoi - 35" fighter updated multi-purpose seat with one of the generation 4 + + and is characterized by high capacity to maneuver, and used the techniques of the fifth generation that believes in its superiority over its counterpart aircraft.
The aircraft are to achieve control in the air and destroy air targets and ground alone or in a group of aircraft.
The advantage of "Sukhoi - a 35" as follows:
- Specification for air and tactical high - The ability to maneuver is not unprecedented - Use multiple channels for weapons against air targets and ground - Hit ground targets without entering the zone of enemy air defense - Portability flying at low altitude, circumventing the barriers - Collective action against air targets and ground - The ability to meet the wireless means of electronic and optoelectronic anti- - Automating all phases of flight and use Combat

The advantage of "Sukhoi - a 35" as follows:
- Specification for air and tactical high - The ability to maneuver is not unprecedented - Use multiple channels for weapons against air targets and ground - Hit ground targets without entering the zone of enemy air defense - Portability flying at low altitude, circumventing the barriers - Collective action against air targets and ground - The ability to meet the wireless means of electronic and optoelectronic anti- - Automating all phases of flight and use Combat
Has included institution building Russia's Unified Aircraft design and manufacture of these aircraft programs within the Company deems it a priority.
It was the first flight of the aircraft "Su - 35" in the February 19, 2008. In October 2008 took off a second aircraft of this type, in the city of Komsomolsk on Amur, which allowed the company to expedite the program of experiments and tests which would secure the manufacture of new aircraft and delivered to the applicants Russians and foreigners in 2011. Technical specifications tactical - The maximum speed of the aircraft 2500 kilometers per hour on a higher elevation and 1400 kilometers per hour on the rise low - Practical ceiling height 18000 meters, - The maximum combat payload 8000 kg - Extent of aviation-Aqsa 4000 km, - The extent in the case of aviation refueling in the air 6500 km - The weapons used in the plane is 8-guided missiles, "Joe - Joe" And 6-guided missiles, "Joe - the roof," and short-range rockets, in addition to bombs and 30 mm cannon. - The crew VerdunSaid Igor Dummen Administrator of the design and manufacture of military aircraft "Sue - 35" in the company "Sukhoi" on January 11 told Russian "Interfax" that tests the air for the fighter, multi-purpose "Sue - 35" for the Russian Air Force will begin in 2010 . The Dummen, saying: "It is expected to begin testing the future of air combat in mid-2010 or so." Dummen reported that the program provides for the manufacture of the first batch of fighter jets "Su - 35" in 2011, but he did not say any party or foreign Rossi will get this installment. He added: "The atmospheric testing of the new aircraft will take place in the years 2010-2011. And will then draw a conclusion about the possibility of the introduction of combat came into use." The Dummen that the plane, "Su - 35" pilot scheme to also be included to test the air in early 2009. It is worth mentioning that the plane "Su -35" is an updated multi-purpose fighter with one seat from the fourth generation is characterized by high capacity to maneuver, and use the techniques of the fifth generation that believes in its superiority over its counterpart aircraft. Foundation has been included Russia's Unified Aircraft Building design and manufacture of these aircraft programs within the company deems it a priority. It was the first flight of the aircraft "Su - 35" in the February 19, 2008। In October 2008 took off a second aircraft of this type, in the city of Komsomolsk on Amur enabled the company to speed up the completion of the testing program that would believe in manufacturing the new aircraft delivered to the owners of Russian and foreign demand in 2011.
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